
We learnt how to work together as a team(Teamwork). We also
learnt more about QinShihuang and what he did to China.
I hope that there will be more projects like this, especially with
new teammates so that we can get closer.

By: Yeehang(29)

We learnt how  to work together  as a group. We went to Jun Wei's house to do the project.The internet speed of the laptop is very fast, its like clicking to a page in 1 to 2 seconds!!! It was fun. I wish to do more such projects.

By : Mohan (28)

Having Shah and Mohan coming to my house is great. We did the project together successfully.  However, its lots of fun. I hope there would be more project after this, especially with new mates.

                                                       Yeo Jun Wei (39)

Going to Jun wei's was fun . Because while we were doing the project his grandmother started nagging at us . Mohan's hand was shivering . When we finish the project we quickly took our shoes and ran to the staircase to wear it . It was fun . we successfully finished the blog  .      

                                                         By : Shah (27)